Its been now a one week since we are in Guilin walking around ancient mountain temples built in times of ancient dynasties by monks living in mountain caves and offering fire sacrifices for Buddha.

But as today is Sunday, we decided to went to Christian Church of Guilin, too, not only temples.

Today we went to Fuboshan mountain and nearby pogoda built in Song dinasty times about thousand years ago. It took for us again one full day.
Generally about Guilin and temples in here:

Some place were really magically filled with energy of peace and love, but to get in there have to count on that in every place ticket for entrance will be asked to purchase and in most of places the prices are ridiculously high - average 15$ per person (but its just a mountain and nature) so I think thats to high. Otherwise - its cool, ancient, and very nice.

We did our prayers for happiness of everyone at this Fuboshan mountain cave temple and on our way back to hotel popped into a cafe named "Kaya" :) where the reggae parties are made in.

Its been already a week since i had my last kaya, so at least this name brings me the nice kaya mood.:)

Give thanks and praises!
(Special thanks to Bob Marley and kaya)